Thursday, July 5, 2007

Day by Day

My mom watches Olivia during the daytime while I'm here at Spirit. It's such a gift. I'm really really really thankful that I can still be here, and really really REALLY thankful that Olivia is in such good hands. In fact, I often joke with my mom that Olivia spends the day at "Spa Grandma." Leisurely stroller rides, long naps on Grandma's chest, and an outdoor swing with a soft blanket to stay comfortable!

Today, Grandma set up these stacking cups for Olivia - a new toy! She sent me these pictures in an email today. And she always makes me smile, because she words the email as if Olivia were writing in baby talk:


Hi's Mama! Look! Granny hides the yellow ball and I find it! I am so smart! I always find it Mama! I likes the Hide n Seek with the color cups game. Plus I laugh cuz Granny has to pick up all the cups off the floor. It’s a funny game.

Love you, Mama!

Isn't that sweet?

1 comment:

Lyndsay said...

What a wonderful blessing your mother is to both you and Olivia!!!