Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Day by Day

So I think we're starting to get the hang of things around here. It's round-the-clock feedings and changings and burpings and then usually another changing. It's Olivia's favorite game to play: change her diaper, get a clean one on, wait 30 seconds... and yep, time for a new diaper again. I've gone through twice as many diapers as we actually need because she always does this! And although she hasn't smiled on purpose yet, I know she thinks she's funny.

We gave her another bath today. Man, it's hard to give a newborn a bath! Check the water temperature, hold her little head, watch out for her little bellybutton piece, don't get soap in her eyes, keep her warm, watch out cause she's slippery and squirmy. It definitely takes two people, and thankfully my mom had another snow day today. Grandma to the rescue for bath time! And of course, in true Olivia fashion, we got her out and onto the towel, and she dirtied the towel before we got her diaper on. She goes to the bathroom ALL THE TIME! I suppose I should be thankful, because I know she's eating well. My husband and I just laugh and laugh at how fast everything goes through her little system. I think I'm going to buy stock in Pampers. I never knew how many we'd go through.

We went to the pediatrician yesterday. Olivia is over 8 pounds now, my growing little girl! She got a shot and cried and it broke my heart! Poor girl. I would rather have 50 shots myself than see her get just one. Its amazing how much I want to comfort her when she cries. I've said it once, and I'll say it again, I've never known a love like this. In fact, I think I'm starting to understand God a little more now that I'm a mother. I definitely pray more than usual - mostly for health and safety for her, but also just for wisdom from God that He will help me take care of her. Everything is so foreign to me right now, and I'm relying a lot on instinct, and that means I'm relying a lot on God. I'm so thankful for my faith right now - it's really helping me through. And I listen to Spirit a lot, too! It's so funny to me that I rely on the music so much - I mean, I work there! And I'm not sick of any of the songs! I just sing along when I'm around Olivia, introducing her to Jeremy Camp and Chris Tomlin and Nichole Nordeman. I think Nichole Nordeman is her favorite, and for that I say "Good Girl!" Like mother, like daughter.




Anonymous said...

She is so incredibly beautiful, and I continue the Lord's blessings over your entire family!!Isn't it amazing, one minute they are inside of us and the next we are holding this incredible miracle. As for the tears, it never stops, as your love grows more intense with every passing year. Thank you so much for sharing your miracle with us. Love, your "radio/sister in Christ family". God Bless, Starr

m.b. said...

God Bless you Sarah!

It's Margaret/Maggie again, but I'm convinced that you've forgotten me *grins*. Ooh! I am SO happy for you, you have no idea. I'll be praying for your little girl quite a lot! Do you still have time to scrapbook? Hahaha... good luck keeping it up to date. I pray that God will give you rest!

You're snazzy!

Margaret [Hubert]

Leeners said...

Sarah, thank you again for sharing your beloved Olivia with us. I love seeing the pictures and praying for all of you, you are such a blessing!

Johanna said...

Sarah - It is so good to read from you. Olivia is the most precious and beautiful little girl. And these pictures are just great -way to go, momma, you look awesome on these pictures too!! I am praying for you, Joel and Olivia. You are such a sweet and caring mom! It is uplifting and inspiring to read your blog. I don't know you other than listening to and reading you, but... man, I love you!!
God bless you in many and wonderful ways!

Johanna said...

Sarah - It is so good to read from you. Olivia is the most precious and beautiful little girl. And these pictures are just great -way to go, momma, you look awesome on these pictures too!! I am praying for you, Joel and Olivia. You are such a sweet and caring mom! It is uplifting and inspiring to read your blog. My heart is overflowing with joy and love towards you and your family :)
God bless you in many and wonderful ways!

Unknown said...

Sarah, to hear about your days with Olivia really brings back alot of memories. My little girl is now 22 years old! I remember walking around like a zombie for the first couple months it seems. But it's important to remember to get your rest while she's sleeping, so don't forget that! It'll get easier in many ways for you very soon. God bless all of you and thanks for sharing your experiences!

Your sister in Christ, Marty

Eva said...

You and Olivia are looking fabulous! I love the pictures! I might have to get in touch with your friends when my little one is born. 12 weeks to go! Thank you for keeping us updated! I started a blog here too. fosterfamily07. xoxo,eva

seekerpanda said...

Dear Josh and Sarah,
What a beautiful baby. Congratulations!
May God bless you as you raise Olivia up into the woman of God He wants her to be.
In Him- Panda